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Mission Statement 

The Austin T. Levy P.T.A. is a separate non-profit organization that exists solely to support the educational mission of the Austin T. Levy School. 

The P.T.A. membership fulfills its mission by fundraising and organizing events and programs for the benefit of the school. Members work collaboratively with the Levy administration, teachers, and staff to offer opportunities that will enhance the physical, mental, and educational advancement of Levy students, and to promote positive relationships among our community.

2023-24 P.T.A. Meeting Dates:

The Austin T. Levy P.T.A meetings the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. except when noted*. 

Meetings are held in-person at the Austin T. Levy School and online via Zoom

September 13*
October 3
November 7
December 5
January 9*
February 6
March 5
April 3*
May 7 - Nomination deadline for new officers
June 4 - Voting of 2024-25 P.T.A. Officers

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